Brad Johnson is the Provost and Executive VP and Professor of Physics at Western Washington University. Dr. Johnson has been at Western since 1997, following a one-year tenure-track appointment at the University of New Mexico, and a 4-year post-doctoral fellowship appointment at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia. Dr. Johnson earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Prior to becoming Provost, Dr. Johnson was the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering for 5 years, Associate Dean of CSE for three years, and Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Western for 13 years, overseeing a transformation that saw the establishment of focused research specialties in Astronomy, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, and Physics Education Research.
My research interests are focused generally in the fields of condensed matter theory and computational physics. I am currently interested in analytical and computational models of chemical- vapor- and liquid- deposition processes involved in making organic semiconductor films. I am also interested in electron transport problems in nanostructures, as well as molecular orbitals (specifically, optical excitations), fluids, and collective excitations such as plasmons and plasmon-polaritons in superlattices and nano-scaled layered systems.
BS, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (1985)
MS, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (1987)
PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder (1991)