My research area is Physics Education Research (PER) and my research interest centers on equity and justice in physics and physics education. Specifically, my research seeks to understand the structures of learning and teaching physics that continue to reproduce inequities and discourage the participation of students from non-dominant communities by analyzing discourses and phenomena of learning and being in physics from multiple theoretical lenses. I am also passionate about facilitating and developing professional development for physics practitioners (undergraduate instructional assistants, teachers, and faculty) to support a cultural and practical shift toward equitable and just physics education. I'm interested in qualitative research using classroom observations, interviews, surveys, etc. I'm looking forward to working with undergraduate researchers who are interested in (learning) a critical approach towards learning and teaching physics and in reimagining a liberatory physics learning space.

Postdoctoral Scholar -- University of Washington Bothell (2021-2022)

Ph.D. Physics -- Kansas State University (2020)

B.A. Physics Teacher Education -- Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam (2015)

Recent publications 

R. E. Scherr, T. Huynh, W. T. Hairston, K. Gray. "A framework for integrating energy and equity in high school physics instruction," The Physics Teacher, vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 606-610, Oct 2023. Available here.

A. D. Robertson, T. Huynh, C. Mathis, L. C. Bauman, and R. Scherr. "Teacher learning about the integration of energy and equity: A case study," Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., vol 19, p. 010136, June 2023. Available here.

T. Huynh, A. D. Robertson & R. E. Scherr. “Physics teachers’ conceptions of equity: Access and Achievement,” Frontiers in Education-STEM Education, Feb 2023. Available here.

C. Mathis, A. R. Daane, B. Rodriguez, J. Hernandez, and T. Huynh, “How instructors can view knowledge to implement culturally relevant pedagogy,” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., vol. 19, p. 010105, Feb 2023. Available here

T. Huynh, K. Gray, L. C. Bauman, J. Hernandez, L. Seeley, and R. Scherr, “Physics teachers integrating social justice with science content,” in Physics Education Research Conference 2022, PER Conference, (Grand Rapids, MI), pp. 249–254, July 13-14 2022* Notable paper. Available here.

J. Hernandez, J. Skiba, M. German, R. Scherr, T. Huynh, C. Mathis, and M. Araya, “Exploring sociopolitical landscapes in physics education,” Sustainability and Climate Change, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 279–288, 2022. Available here.

S. El-Adawy, T. Huynh, M. B. Kustusch, and E. C. Sayre, “Context interactions and physics faculty’s professional development: Case study,” Physical Review Physics Education Research, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 020104, 2022. Available here.

A. T. Alesandrini, T. Huynh, L. C. Bauman, and A. Robertson, “Identifying student resources for reasoning microscopically about heat and temperature,” in Physics Education Research Conference 2022, PER Conference, (Grand Rapids, MI), pp. 37–43, July 13-14 2022. Available here.

T. Huynh, L. C. Bauman, A. D. Robertson, and R. E. Scherr, “Physics teachers’ framings of the relationship between equity and antiracism,” in Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings, 2021* Notable paper. Available here.

T. Huynh, A. Madsen, S. McKagan, and E. Sayre, “Building personas from phenomenography: a method for user-centered design in education,” Information and Learning Sciences, 2021. Available here.

*Updated Feb 2023. See my website for a more complete publication list.