Research Interests
Quantum information, computation, and simulation
Nonequilibrium dynamics and optimal control of quantum evolution
Strong correlations, topology, and frustration in low-dimensional quantum matter
Education and Professional Experience
Ph.D. Boston University, 2011
Selected Publications
- C. Voinea, S. Pu, A. Kirmani, P. Ghaemi, A. Rahmani, and Z. Papić, Deformed Fredkin model for the ν=5/2 Moore-Read state on thin cylinders, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013105 (2024).
- A. Kirmani, D. S. Wang, P. Ghaemi, and A. Rahmani, Braiding fractional quantum Hall quasiholes on a superconducting quantum processor, Phys. Rev. B 108, 064303 (2023).
- A. Kirmani, K. Bull, C.-Y. Hou, V. Saravanan, S. M. Saeed, Z. Papić, A. Rahmani, and P. Ghaemi, Probing Geometric Excitations of Fractional Quantum Hall States on Quantum Computers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 056801 (2022).
- M. T. Scoggins and A. Rahmani, Topological and geometric patterns in optimal bang-bang protocols for variational quantum algorithms: Application to the XXZ model on the square lattice, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043165 (2021).
- A. Rahmani, K. J. Sung, H. Putterman, P. Roushan, P. Ghaemi, and Z. Jiang, Creating and Manipulating a Laughlin-Type ν=1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall State on a Quantum Computer with Linear Depth Circuits, PRX Quantum 1, 020309 (2020).
- A. Rahmani, D. Pikulin, and I. Affleck, Phase diagrams of Majorana-Hubbard ladders, Phys. Rev. B 99, 085110 (2019).
- A. Rahmani and Smitha Vishveshwara, Interplay of Anderson localization and quench dynamics, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245116 (2018).
- Z.-C. Yang, A. Rahmani, A. Shabani, H. Neven, and C. Chamon, Optimizing Variational Quantum Algorithms Using Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle, Phys. Rev. X 7, 021027 (2017).
- A. Dutta, A. Rahmani, and A. del Campo, Anti-Kibble-Zurek Behavior in Crossing the Quantum Critical Point of a Thermally Isolated System Driven by a Noisy Control Field, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 080402 (2016).
- A. Rahmani, X. Zhu, M. Franz, and I. Affleck, Emergent Supersymmetry from Strongly Interacting Majorana Zero Modes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 166401 (2015).
- A. Rahmani, A. Feiguin, and C. Batista, Anyonic Liquids in Nearly Saturated Spin Chains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 267201 (2014).
- A. Rahmani, R. Muniz, and I. Martin, Anyons in Integer Quantum Hall Magnets, Phys. Rev. X 3, 031008 (2013).
- C.-Y. Hou, A. Rahmani, A. Feiguin, and C. Chamon, Junctions of multiple quantum wires with different Luttinger parameters, Phys. Rev. B 86, 075451 (2012).
- A. Rahmani and C. Chamon, Optimal Control for Unitary Preparation of Many-Body States: Application to Luttinger Liquids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 016402 (2011).
- A. Rahmani, C.-Y. Hou, A. Feiguin, C. Chamon, and I. Affleck, How to Find Conductance Tensors of Quantum Multiwire Junctions through Static Calculations: Application to an Interacting Y Junction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 226803 (2010).
Selected Awards and Honors
KITP Scholars Fellowship 2024-2026, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB.
National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2020.
Google Quantum Innovations Award, 2018.
KITP Scholars Fellowship 2018-2020, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB.